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Our purpose is to endorse, support and elect Republicans to fight for our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness at our local, regional, state, and national government levels. We pursue this goal by educating the citizens in the local area and supporting our local candidates with volunteers, funding, and encouragement.

What Is A BPOU?

BPOU stands for Basic Political Organization Unit. It is the grassroots level of political organization.

The BPOU operates as an independent grassroots organization structured under the State of Minnesota GOP and the 4th Congressional District committee. It has it's own constitution, leadership, membership, budget, etc.


In an election year the BPOU endorses local candidates at it's caucus and elects delegates to represent the BPOU at Republican District and State conventions.  During the off-election years it holds conventions to elect officers and conduct other party business.

2023-25 Executive Officers

>  Chair:  Michelle Manke 

>  Deputy Chair:  Tom Jensen

>  Secretary:  Mark Storkamp

>  Treasurer:  Preston Schmidt

>  Deputy Treasure: (open)

>  Vice Chair:  Lynn Carlson

>  Vice Chair:  Jerry Peterson

>  Vice Chair:  Jonathan Thomas

>  Vice Chair:  Joyce Thompson

Prepared and paid for by MN SD40 Republicans, 5171 Red Oak Drive, Mounds View, MN 55112
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. 

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